A Decision to Discriminate -
Speeches and pictures from the book launches:





Sydney launch:


Graeme Mundine



from left to right: Jeff McMullen, Sekai Holland and Graeme Mundine



Jeff McMullen at the Sydney book launch


Watch this video on vimeo

Graeme Mundine at the Sydney book launch


Watch this video on vimeo






Melbourne launch:


Alastair Nicholson

Audio - part 1   (MP3)

Audio - part 2   (MP3)

Transcript   (PDF)


Muriel Bamblett

Audio   (MP3)

Speech   (PDF)


Rosalie Kunoth-Monks

Audio   (MP3)

Transcript   (PDF)





from left to right: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Muriel Bamblett, Alastair Nicholson
and Aunty Betty Pike




Canberra launch:


John Falzon


Janet Hunt





John Falzon



Janet Hunt






Murray Bridge launch:


Report from the launch



Ngarrindjeri Elder Marshall Freeland Carter JP, Chairperson of Ngoppon Together with the organisation's Public Officer Dr David Haines.






Adelaide launch:





Djiniyini Gondarra


Amelia Pangarte Kunoth-Monks


Rosalie Kunoth-Monks




Videos from the Adelaide book launch can be found on the main page









Brisbane launch:


Graeme Mundine (PDF)





Graeme Mundine


Lilla Watson


Les Malezer










Blackett launch



Janice Brown and Margaret Farrell





Mona Vale launch



Graeme Mundine



Jeff McMullen






Ryde launch



Graeme Mundine










