Time to end 10 years of Intervention in the Northern Territory

Statement from eminent Australians



Launch of the statement:

Monday 28th August 2017, 5.15pm - 7.15pm, Melbourne Law School, G08 Theatre, 185 Pelham Street






Speakers at the launch:


Professor Jennifer Morgan, Interim Dean Melbourne Law School

Rev Glenn Loughrey, Wiradjuri man, Anglican Priest and Artist

The Hon. Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC, Former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia, Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne, Chair Children’s Rights International, human rights advocate

Professor Gillian Triggs, Vice Chancellor's Fellow Melbourne University, immediate Past President of the Australian Human Rights Commission


Dr Jeff McMullen AM, Journalist, author, film maker

in discussion with

Dr D. Gondarra OAM, Djirrikaymirr Spokesperson for Yolngu Nations Assembly

Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM, Eastern Arrernte


Nyomba (Helen) Gandangu, Gong-ganmirr - Convenor for Yolngu Nations Assembly

Professor Jon Altman AM, Emeritus Professor Australian National University, Research Professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University



Invitation to the event



With thanks to the Melbourne Law School





Interview with Nyomba Gandangu

Download (mp3, 10 MB)





Individual speeches from the launch:



Watch this video on Vimeo



Gillian Triggs

Dr G. Gondarra



Watch this video on Vimeo



Watch this video on Vimeo



Rosalie Kunoth-Monks

Nyomba Gandangu



Watch this video on Vimeo



Watch this video on Vimeo



Amelia Kunoth-Monkss

Jon Altman



Watch this video on Vimeo






