The Intervention - an Anthology
Speeches and pictures from the book launches:





Redfern launch:


Speech by Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission





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Introduction and Welcome to Country



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Watch this video on Vimeo



Rosie Scott


Pat Anderson



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Watch this video on Vimeo



Ali Cobby Eckermann






Ashfield launch:





Watch this video on Vimeo.



Nicole Watson


Mick Gooda



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Watch this video on Vimeo



Q & A





Darwin launch:





Watch this video on YouTube.



Rosalie Kunoth-Monks and Jeff McMullen






Sydney launch:





Watch this video on Vimeo.



Introduction by Paddy Gibson


Larissa Behrendt



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Watch this video on Vimeo



Eva Cox


Paddy Gibson



Watch this video on Vimeo







Mona Vale launch:





Watch this video on Vimeo.



Jeff McMullen







Fitzroy launch:




Alastair Nicholson



The video of the launch can be found on the main page.



Audio recording from the launch:



Download the audio recording of the launch (mp3, 80 MB)



Speech by The Honourable
Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC (PDF)







Watch this video on Vimeo



Nicole Watson


Arnold Zable



Watch this video on Vimeo



Kutcha Edwards, Joshua Bond & Daniel Fox
perform Yothu Yindi's "Treaty"
in a tribute to Dr M Yunupingu


Please click here to listen







