You are most welcome to republish any information from the 'concerned Australians' website, but please include a link and acknowledge the source.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website will contain images and audio recordings of people who are deceased.
The Intervention - an Anthology
Redfern launch:
Speech by Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission |
Compilation |
Introduction and Welcome to Country |
Rosie Scott |
Pat Anderson |
Ali Cobby Eckermann |
Ashfield launch: |
Nicole Watson |
Mick Gooda |
Q & A |
Darwin launch: |
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks and Jeff McMullen |
Sydney launch: |
Introduction by Paddy Gibson |
Larissa Behrendt |
Eva Cox |
Paddy Gibson |
Mona Vale launch: |
Jeff McMullen |
Fitzroy launch: |
Alastair Nicholson |
The video of the launch can be found on the main page.
Audio recording from the launch:
Download the audio recording of the launch (mp3, 80 MB)
Speech by The Honourable
Nicole Watson |
Arnold Zable |