Quest for Treaty: Yingiya's Bid for Parliament




General information:


Indigenous Leaders Say They’re Sick Of Being “Experimented On”

Allan Clarke, BuzzFeedNews


Treaty push should replace Indigenous Recognise campaign, says Yolngu leader

Calla Wahlquist, The Guardian








Geelong - 11 March 2016




Introduction, Acknowledgement, Terry Mason


Watch this video on vimeo

Yingiya Mark Guyula and Kendall Trudgen


Watch this video on vimeo








Melbourne - 12 March 2016





Speakers (from left to right): Yingiya Mark Guyula, Kendall Trudgen, Prof. Jon Altman, Adam Frogley











Watch this video on Vimeo


Adam Frogley and Jon Altman


Kendall Trudgen (Introduction) and Yingiya Mark Guyula (part 1)


Watch this video on Vimeo




Watch this video on Vimeo


Yingiya Mark Guyula (part 2)











Audio recording (mp3) of the event









Please click here for videos of a similar event in Sydney on 15 March 2016






